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The open fire of Triumph International Building has been put out, and there are no casualties

2022-05-10 09:23:06 Read:

According to the wechat official account released by Dalian, a fire broke out in Triumph International Building in Jinpu new area at about 16:00 on August 27. After receiving the alarm, the relevant departments of the new area quickly started the emergency plan, and the relevant leaders of the province, city and district, as well as the fire and emergency departments rushed to the scene at the first time to coordinate and organize the rescue. As of 23:00 on August 27, the fire in the building has been extinguished, and the residual fire is being cleaned up on the site, with no casualties.

The open fire of Triumph International Building has been put out, and there are no casualties(圖1)

Triumph International Building is located at the entrance of Jinshan Road in Jinpu new area. It is an apartment building. At present, there are 419 households and 818 people living in it. At about 16:00 on August 27, a fire broke out in a household on the 19th floor of the building. The owner went to the property for help. After the property arrived, the room was full of thick smoke, and then called the police. The fire quickly spread to the outer wall.

The open fire of Triumph International Building has been put out, and there are no casualties(圖2)

After the fire, the Dalian fire rescue detachment rushed out to carry out rescue. The power supply and gas of the building were cut off in time. Local street staff evacuated more than 1800 people from Triumph International Building and surrounding residents. After the community telephone contact, confirmed door-to-door and person by person, and the fire rescue personnel arranged layer by layer, no trapped people were found in the building, and no casualties were found.

The open fire of Triumph International Building has been put out, and there are no casualties(圖3)

After emergency rescue by various forces, as of 23:00 on August 27, the open fire on the site has been extinguished. Relevant experts have arrived at the site to assess the construction safety. It is also understood that other rehabilitation work has also been carried out in an orderly manner, and the residents in the building have been properly settled in hotels and other temporary living places.

At present, the fire site is being cleaned up, hidden dangers are being investigated, and the detailed cause of the fire is being investigated.

Fire performance of doors, windows and curtain walls in high-rise buildings

The fire resistance rating of curtain wall of high-rise building shall comply with the following provisions:

1. The filling material of window sill wall and window to window wall shall be non combustible material. When the external wall adopts a non combustible body with a fire resistance limit of not less than 1.00h, the filling material in the wall can adopt refractory materials.

2. For the building curtain wall without sill wall or with sill wall height less than 0.80M, a non combustible skirt wall or fireproof glass skirt wall with fire resistance limit of not less than 1.00h and height of not less than 0.80M shall be set at the outer edge of each floor.

3. The gaps between the building curtain wall and each floor slab and partition wall shall be sealed with fireproof sealing materials.

4. The interior decoration of high-rise buildings shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the current national standard code for fire protection design of building interior decoration.

The fire protection of doors and windows of high-rise buildings shall comply with the following provisions:

1. Fire doors and windows shall be divided into class A, class B and class C, and their fire resistance limit: Class A shall be 1.20h; Class B shall be 0.90h; Class C shall be 0.60h.

2. The fire door shall be a swing door opened in the evacuation direction and can be opened manually from either side after being closed. The fire doors of walkways, staircases and front rooms used for evacuation shall have the function of self closing. Double leaf and multi leaf fire doors shall also have the function of closing in sequence. Normally open fire doors shall have the functions of self closing and signal feedback in case of fire.

3. The fire door set near the deformation joint shall be set on the side with more floors, and the door shall not cross the deformation joint after opening.

4. In places where it is really difficult to set up firewalls, fireproof rolling shutters can be used for fire compartment separation. When the fireproof rolling shutter including the temperature rise of the back fire surface is used as the judgment condition of fire resistance limit, its fire resistance limit shall not be less than 3.00h; When the fire-proof rolling shutter excluding the temperature rise of the back fire surface as the judgment condition of fire resistance limit is adopted, independent closed automatic water spraying system shall be set on both sides of the rolling shutter for protection, and the water spraying duration of the system shall not be less than 3.00h.

5. The fire shutter set on the evacuation walkway shall be equipped with opening and closing devices on both sides of the shutter, and shall have the functions of automatic, manual and mechanical control.

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